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Goggles: Who Needs To Wear Them?

In the following article, you will find out why sometimes swim instructors require swimmers to swim without wearing goggles. In general, however, there are several stages that swimmers may or may not need to wear goggles. Let’s learn more:

  • Babies And Young Swimmers

It is clear that most of the time babies and your swimmers do not like to have anything related to swimming goggles while they learn. Because they are simply not used to the tightness around their head and as well as the suction around their eyes. We also do not recommend forcing any individual to make them wear goggles. In fact, it would be better for parents to get their children used to the goggles at home. For example, they can start trying to make their child wear them when they are in the bathtub.

  • Goggles Bring Better Vision

Generally, we realize that sometimes, when children wear goggles, they tend to go under the water easily and willingly. This is due to their realizing how clear the water is compared to the blurry look when diving without the goggles. We sometimes can see that beginners are most of the time are hesitant when they are about putting their face in the water. However, after wearing a comfortable pair of goggles they become excited about swimming.

  • Exploring Underwater

There are also times when we struggle to get our new swimmers to come out of water because they are very busy exploring everything. The point is making sure that the child keeps blowing slowly and knows when it is time to come up out of the water for a breath.

  • Skilled Swimmers

Generally, advanced swimmers are not inclined to swim without wearing their goggles. However, sometimes depending on their traninings our swim instructors may require them to start swimming without wearing them just to make sure that they are not dependent on goggles. Please note that, at Aquastream, our main goal is to give the children a life skill we want our swimmers to get used to swimming comfortably with or without goggles. This will help them to avoid panicking in an unexpected situation. Therefore, during the swim lessons, the instructor prepares our young swimmers to be able to swim with or without goggles just in case s/he was pushed or fell in the water when they were not wearing goggles. In addition, during the competitions, coaches want to make sure that their swimmers are comfortable and their performance is not dependent on them. In conclusion, we hope that now you can realize that it is up to a person to wear them or not, simply it is a choice of an individual. Of course, there are many benefits of wearing swimming goggles, but the key point is to know that: anyone can swim with goggles can also do so without wearing them.


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